Forum Discussion

stu5011's avatar
8 years ago

Mass Bronzium Option

At the upper levels, spending 250 ally points at a time can become tedious when you’re rewarded 10K+ ally points for an achievement, and other ridiculous amounts can accrue through normal gameplay. The 10K reward forces one to go through 40 individual purchases of Bronzium cards.

If you offer an additional option for spending ally points, one that costs more, of course, would be quite welcome. It could even be unlocked at a certain point, say, when one has gotten an upper level achievement with the 10K ally points, or when the player level reaches a certain point.

I imagine it could be one of two options, either a bulk purchase of Bronzium cards, say, a 4-pack, or a separate category, one that costs many more ally points, with a separate reward pool(Electrium wouldn’t be bad, fitting with the metal theme).

Or, just allow conversion of ally points to crystals. 200 ally points for 10 crystals would be fair.
  • It would be nice if ally points could be spent in mass, it would also be nice to see different option pools for the ally points, like spending 500 ally points with a higher chance of middle of the road gear, or 5,000 with a higher chance at higher of the road gear. The percent chances wouldn't need to increase dramatically but as it is, spending 10k+ every 3-4 days gets tedious.
  • Workaround: play a computer or console game or just watch tv and set your phablet next to you. Spam the buy/continue button every time you hit a loading screen of any sort. I came down about 200k pts this way when I was farming ewoks.