MCGA - Cantina Redeems
Make Cantina Great Again!
Any chance we can get some rotation or mix-up of the newer character toons to become available to spend accumulated cantina currency on so this stuff becomes more useful than just another batch of shard shop swop.
I get its useful for early players to obtain toons but it would be nice to have some relevance to the actual cantina characters. This is probably a me thing but find it challenging with all the other chases to prioritize farms on cantina toons so the odd periodic boost of a useful redeemed newer character shard would be welcomed.
Heck a coin redeem for a newer character doesn't necessarily need to be at 10 shards make it 5 or 3. So please CG get your back office bean counters to take a look and make it happen for the players. I sure most players would appreciate the kickback to secure that long term sweet sweet wallet coin.
Just as a side note, why is cantina refreshing off the bat 100 crystals when all the other nodes are 50 for the first few. The chances of character shards dropping is random chanced anyway.
So any who that's my tuppence worth for the day. Have a good one all.