7 years ago
mk 5 Droid Caller Salvage Farming Improvement
So I've been hit with a particularly annoying bottleneck recently, and that's the Mk 5 Arakyd Droid Caller. The salvage for this piece of gear can only be found in early levels of the STR and the Rancor Raid, rare drops from the daily quest completion, special events such as assault battles, and rarely the shard store and guild store or crystal shipments. Even requesting this gear from guild mates is horrible because there is a 2 donation max. While this gear is purchasable from the guild store, I've noticed that it's price is not fair when compared to the Mk 6 Droid Caller Salvage price. The Mk 6 sells at a price of 76 guild coins per salvage, while the Mk 5 sells at a price of 84 guild coins per salvage. It's ridiculous that a lower piece gear that can't even be farmed by conventional means is more expensive than it's later gear counter part. I believe that this gear should be released to a node to farm or the price should be reduced in the guild store.