Forum Discussion

nitram1k's avatar
6 years ago

MK5 stun gun salvage

Has anyone else noticed that mk5 stun gun salvage seems to show up hardly ever in the stores. I need 142 full stun guns forget the carb crunch.
Please CG can we have these crop up a bit more frequently. I have had 1 drop in guild and 1 in ship stores in the last 3 days
  • I think the only two stores these ever show up in are the Guild Event Store, and the Shard Shop.

    I'm fairly certain this is by design as a limiter.
  • Every sub g12 character in my inventory needs at least one mk5 stun gun to advance to next gear level. Need 106 total last I checked and I think that excludes ones that are part of other crafted pieces... that is far beyond limiting, that is purposely frustrating. Honestly, all I want is to see mk5 stun guns added to HAAT rewards, especially since they are so rare in rancor and Hsith where they allegedly drop now (never do for me). And if they were slightly more frequent in the Guild Event and Shard shops that would also be great.
  • Agree totally. It is the real bottleneck now.
    Apart from dropping 520 crystals.for 20 there is no quick route to getting one
  • I need 8100 of the Salvage just for my current characters I am sure it will be more once I get Revan, Traya and Probe Droid. They are ridiculously hard to get.They drop in Guild Store, Guild Event Store and Shard Shop only once a week maybe twice. They appear in shipments but are so expensive over 1200 crystal it is a bad use of crystals. If they gave us a way over converting MK4 salvage to MK5 it would not e so bad since I have around 4000 of those kicking around. I can understand having to be a whale in order to get characters before everyone else but you should not have to be a whale just to gear up characters you spent so long farming. I try to give the game some $$ each year to support it but being married with 2 kids in school I have priorities and if I am going to start having to put big $$ into the game just to play I may just end up quitting like some of our guild mates. All this and I do not even care about Arena and PVP I just like playing the events and collecting everyone and leveling them up.
  • godaesz's avatar
    New Spectator
    WOuldnt be a problem if it appear more often at GE store + adding it to guild store or increasing chance to drop from pit/str raids might solve this bottleneck :c