Forum Discussion

katzs23's avatar
9 years ago

Moby's thought

I spent a lot of time on ewoks and getting them to 7*. Especially EE. Now they r giving ewoks away. Spent a lot of money on Leia and other worthwhile toons and now they make them easy to get. I spent a lot of time and money on new toons like magma and spy and they are useless. Congrats EA Ahab. You've killed the whale.
  • You are 100% correct. And hence the post. It is a commitment post.
  • So whales are basically the dark side, acting on impulse, power, and greedy.

    F2p is the light side cuz every jedi has to hear and live by that lame saying about patience
  • You're paying for a temporary advantage, not a permanent. It's how these games are always tooled.