Forum Discussion

therealbaddabin's avatar
7 years ago

Mod management

I don’t understand what all the fuss is about mod management. It’s pretty easy to do unless you are lazy or unwilling to properly farm mods in the first place.

Here’s how to manage your mods:

1. All your toons should be L50. This allows you to put mods on them
2. Make sure you have registered at This will allow you to search your mods.
3. Farm mods regularly. It’s just as much of a grind as shard farming.
4. When you get mods decide right then if it’s worth keeping. If it is then lock it. Now sell all the ones you don’t want. Locked mods aren’t available for selling.
5. Keep having to move mods? You aren’t farming mods enough.

Very rarely do I need to move mods. Follow the above tips and mod management is easy.
  • 1. We can't farm mod as we please anymore like in the past. Panic farming is the trend now. We don't know what event will come/return, so we just farm all the way we can.

    2. I obviously have lot of second class mod, but i don't have resources to upgrade them all (credit). Lot of hard tier event need spesific requirement char. U only have two option to finish hard event.. u upgrade ur gear/ability char, or u borrow mod.
  • The issue I have is I don't have the spare cantina energy to farm mods, especially because most don't fit the specific criteria we look for.

    Now, I am a player with only 940k GP, so I am bigtime in the gotta catch em all mode
  • See I’m not lazy I just can’t afford to do it right now. I have Finn to finish, both vets to finish, and death trooper to start. And I haven’t gotten one shard yet of CHS which is important all of these just in cantina I have no time to farm mods at all especially when I only get about 1 out of 30 mods that are even worth looking at leveling up
  • "Shadeslayer7;c-1463126" wrote:
    See I’m not lazy I just can’t afford to do it right now. I have Finn to finish, both vets to finish, and death trooper to start. And I haven’t gotten one shard yet of CHS which is important all of these just in cantina I have no time to farm mods at all especially when I only get about 1 out of 30 mods that are even worth looking at leveling up


    Between farming the Vets, then onto Hera (yeah I’m behind on Phoenix), then onto CHS, and then Sith Trooper and Assassin, I’m spent on cantina energy. Not to mention all of that provided another game changing toon doesn’t come about before them.
  • I don't know about the rest of you, but I save my crystals. I allow myself one refresh of regular energy per day, and then splurge on three cantina refreshes on cantina energy day (guild activities). On those days, I'm mod farming. Cantina farms are a real grind, but most of them can be augmented elsewhere. There's options available to get mods and still update your roster. It's just slower.