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Star-Lord1718's avatar
8 years ago

Mother Talzin, Darth Maul, and Savage Opress

*updated move set corrections, text fixes, grammar fixes, and other things.

A potential future release of Mother Talzin could really help out the desperate Nightsister Faction. Here are my ideas of how she can contribute and please let me know what you think in the comments. What will make her stand out is her Leadership Ability that is a mixed variation of Hera Syndulla’s and Captain Phasma’s.

The following move set is already either Omega’d or Zeta’d.

Mother Talzin

Dark Side, Nightsister, Healer, Support

Power: 8500 Health: 19,500 Speed: 128 Max Damage: 5000

Basic: Malmourral Blade

Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 60% chance to inflict a debuff (Attacker: Stun, Healer/Support: Ability Block, Tank: Buff Immunity) for 1 turn. If ally Darth Maul is present, he gains Foresight for 2 turns.

Special: Dark Lightning

Cooldown - 3

Deal special damage to all enemies with a 40% chance to inflict Speed Down for 2 turns on all Jedi, Clone, Sith, or Separatist enemies. Each ally recovers Health equal to 20% of the damage dealt. If a Nightsister ally already had full Health, they gain Tenacity Up for 2 turns. If Savage Opress is present, he gains Evasion Up for 2 turns.

Special: Spirit Ichor

Cooldown - 5

This move will not be affected by Ability Block as long as there are at least 2 active Nightsister allies. All allies have their current Health percentages equalized and all negative status effects on Nightsister allies are dispelled. Afterwards, Revive a random defeated ally with 50% Health then grant each ally Defense Up and Health Up for 2 turns.

Unique: Dathomir Magick

At the start of each of her turns, Mother Talzin grants all allies Speed Up for 2 turns as long as she has no debuffs. However, if she has at least 1 or more debuffs on her, then there is a 3% chance for each positive and negative status effect on all Nightsister allies to inflict Deathmark on a target enemy for 1 turn before her attack.

Leadership: Nightsister Clan (Zeta)

As long as Mother Talzin is alive, each active Nightsister ally grants their Unique ability to other Nightsister allies. In addition, all active Nightsister allies who have a Leadership ability are in effect. Whenever a Nightsister ally attacks, they have a 25% chance to call a random ally to Assist, dealing 10% less damage. If a Nightsister was called to Assist, Mother Talzin gains Foresight for 2 turns.

Move Set Explanations:

Basic: Malmourral Blade

The original text upon unlocking her reads: “Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 30% chance to inflict a debuff (Attacker: Stun, Healer/Support: Ability Block, Tank: Buff Immunity) for 1 turn.”

Ability Level Bonus

2 +5% Damage

3 +10% Damage

4 +15% Chance

5 Grant ally Darth Maul Foresight for 1 turn

6 +5% Damage

7 +15% Chance

8 (Omega) +10% Damage and Foresight Duration + 1

I really like her Basic because it mirrors Krennic’s special and is very viable. Not many Nightsisters can inflict debuffs so that is a guaranteed debuffer (of course, based on her Potency). I also like that if Maul is present, he gains Foresight. That can give him a better chance to attack (preferably his AOE to Daze of course) before he gets stunned, ability blocked, or killed since he is so slow.

Special: Dark Lightning

The original text reads: “Deal special damage to all enemies with a 20% chance to inflict Speed Down for 2 turns on all Jedi, Clone, Sith, or Separatist enemies. Each ally recovers Health equal to 10% of the damage dealt. If a Nightsister ally already had full Health, they gain Tenacity Up for 1 turn.”

Ability Level Bonus

2 +5% Damage

3 +10% Speed Down Chance and +5% Heal

4 Cooldonw - 1 and +10% Damage

5 Grant ally Savage Opress Evasion Up for 1 turn

6 +10% Speed Down Chance and +5% Heal

7 Tenacity Up Duration + 1

8 (Omega) +15% Damage and Evasion Up Duration + 1

Her first Special attacks all enemies and then either heals OR grants a buff. Simple as that. I really like this because if you start with it, then she can give herself Tenacity Up which can really help her by granting Speed Up to allies on her next turn based on her Unique. This can really boost the Nightsisters. Savage gets Evasion Up which can be helpful, too.

On a side note: Dark Lightning used by the Nightsisters was known to actually heal the user. That’s why I think it would be best if it didn’t Stun the enemies like Palpatine’s, but rather heal the team, slightly, instead. It is also noted that the only faction the Nightsisters ever fought were the Jedi, Clones, Sith, and/or the Separatist so it is worthy to only deal Speed Down to them in my opinion. If the devs just decide to do it to all enemies then I understand – for simplicity’s sake in designing it - but I was thinking of not making it too Over Powered (OP).

Special: Spirit Ichor

The original texts reads: “This move will not be affected by Ability Block as long as there are at least 4 active Nightsister allies. All allies have their current Health percentages equalized (ignoring Healing Immunity) and all negative status effects on Nightsister allies are dispelled. Afterwards, Revive a random defeated ally with 15% Health then grant each ally Defense Up and Health Up for 1 turn.”

Ability Level Bonus

2 +10% Health

3 Defense Up Duration + 1

4 - 1 Ally Penalty

5 Cooldown - 1

6 Health Up Duration + 1

7 +15% Health

8 (Omega) - 1 Ally Penalty and + 10% Health

Her second Special really seals the deal as a Nightsister strength. It mirrors that of Barriss Offee’s healing ability and Rex’s cleanser. It can’t be ability blocked if she has at least 2 Nightsister allies alive. On top of that it dispels debuffs and heals. Also, if it revives a fallen enemy then Defense and Health Up are granted to the team – but ONLY if an ally is revived! Call if OP if you want, but come on, it’s the Nightsisters. Plus the Cooldown is long to make up for any abuse of it, so really, it’s not OP. I’m more than certain a zVader, zMaul, Rex, zQGJ, and First Order teams can still easily beat the Nightsisters if Mother Talzin hypothetically had these abilities.

Unique: Dathomir Magick

The original text reads: “At the start of each of her turns, Mother Talzin grants all allies Speed Up for 1 turn as long as she has no debuffs. However, if she has at least 1 or more debuffs on her, then there is a 1% chance for each positive status effect on all Nightsister allies to inflict Deathmark on a target enemy for 1 turn before her attack.”

Ability Level Bonus

2 +.5% Chance

3 +.5% Chance

4 Speed Up Duration + 1

5 +.5% Chance

6 +.5% Chance

7 Negative Status Effects are included

8 (Omega) Bonus Effect Chance is doubled for each status effect on Mother Talzin

Her unique is cool because it either boosts the speed of the Nightsisters or can possibly inflict Deathmark on a target enemy. This can rebound against a zVader or any other team that inflicts lots of debuffs. Plus, Nightsisters were so close to death with their study of the Dark Side of the force, magic, and revivals so Deathmark seems fitting for her to inflict. Keep in mind that it includes the status effects of only the Nightsisters. So again, Maul and Savage don’t contribute to this.

Here’s an example if the ability was Omega’d: Asajj has a total of 5 status effects (doesn’t matter if they are positive or negative at this point), Talia has a total of 2 effects, Old Daka has a total of 3 effects, Mother Talzin has a total of 2, and Maul has 1. So we add 5 + 2 + 3 = 10. I added Asajj’s, Talia’s, and Old Daka’s and the % to inflict Deathmark so far equals 10 X 3% = 30%. Notice that I didn’t include Maul because he isn’t a Nightsister. Now take a look at the Omega: “Bonus Effect Chance is doubled for each status effect on Mother Talzin.” So since she has 2 status effects, that would normally be 6% … but it’s doubled for her when Omega’d. In that case it would be 12%. So 30% + 12% makes a grand total of 42% chance to inflict Deathmark for 1 turn based on that example. This can make things fun and interesting.

Leadership: Nightsister Clan

The original text reads: “As long as Mother Talzin is alive, each active Nightsister ally grants their Unique ability to other Nightsister allies. Whenever a Nightsister ally attacks, they have a 15% chance to call a random ally to Assist, dealing 40% less damage. If a Nightsister was called to Assist, Mother Talzin gains Foresight for 1 turn.”

Ability Level Bonus

2 - 10% Damage Penalty

3 +5% Assist Chance

4 Mother Talzin gains Foresight for 1 turn upon Assist

5 - 10% Damage Penalty

6 +5% Assist Chance

7 - 10% Damage Penalty

8 (Zeta) All active Nightsister allies who have a Leadership ability are in effect. Foresight Duration + 1

Her Leadership is what makes her the obviously best choice Lead for the Nightsister Faction. Getting assists is nice and granting Mother Talzin Foresight is even better to keep her alive to continue healing and reviving. Plus, the Unique Abilities being shared amongst the Nightsisters aren’t really that good, especially compared to the Phoenix, so I think it’s suiting to have them grant one another their Unique Abilities. Also, the only other Nightsisters who have Leadership abilities are Talia, Old Daka, and Asajj, but they really aren’t that good.

So here’s the ideal team: Mother Talzin lead. Old Daka. Asajj Ventress, Darth Maul, and the 5th spot is up to you for either Savage Oppress, Talia, Nightsister Acolyte, or Nightsister Initiate. Personally I think I would run Talia, though.

Mother Talzin (MT), Old Daka (OD), and Asajj can all Stun which is beneficial. MT, OD, and Talia can heal the team while Asajj heals herself along with Maul if he’s attacking. MT and OD can both revive if things get out of hand. It’s also key to have Asajj in there so that she grants her Unique and Leadership to Talia, Old Daka, and Mother Talzin. And Old Daka is granting each NS the possibility to revive a defeated ally as well as granting defense and 10% max health. Talia is also granting the NS Evasion. So the only way Maul benefits at all from Uniques and Leaderships is getting half of the Evasion percentage from Talia in that team which is why having another NS to replace him could be better in some ways. I know this sounds very OP with the stuns, revives, buffs, and healing, but that’s just it. It’s like any other healing/defensive team nowadays. I’ve seen many teams with Rex lead, General Kenobi, Barriss Offee, Baze, and Chirrut and I have beaten them many times as well as lost many times. I think this will be quite similar to a team like that. The only difference is trying to get that Deathmark to come up every once in a while or even pulling off a win from Stuns and overwhelming revives. I mean come on, Mother Talzin did some pretty crazy witchcraft/dark side force stuff – especially with Darth Maul – so it’s no surprise that they should be reviving frequently. This would also make a unique “reviving” team instead of throwing Ewok Elder and Boba Fett in there to make a sub-par “reviving” team that I used to fight in Arena back when I was level 60.

And if you still think it’s OP, the thing is, not many people have invested into the Nightsisters so it would take time to build them up and by then the now strong teams will be stronger thus making people spend more crystals to get gear for the NS which makes EA/CG happy. Also, it is noteworthy to consider lower leveled teams. If you are to complain that Mother Talzin won’t do much for the Nightsisters in your own personal roster of level 85 where Rebels, Sith, Jedi, Empire and the occasional First Order and Clones teams are the strongest, then just keep investing in them. Mother Talzin would be a character common in other shards for people who are recently starting or who have weaker/younger rosters.

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