Forum Discussion

Jongleurdeux's avatar
7 years ago

Moving from T6 Pit to Heroic

Are there any pitfalls I should be aware of?

For instance, does the Rancor gain TM faster in Heroic, or is it the same as T6?

I currently run a Zader/CLS/Tarkin/Thrawn/Bistan TMR squad that can solo T6 without breaking a sweat.

Thanks for the guidance!
  • It has a lot less HP. You will probably be surprised by how easy/quick it is. I haven't done T6 (possibly ever, actually?) so I can't compare them directly, but I am confident that if you can solo T6 you will be just fine.
  • It's no where near the upgrade aat is to haat, most likely if you have no promblem ending before tier hpit is easy. Soon you will have promblem off ending in 2 minutes to try to keep guild happy then completing it
  • My guild took 2 days to beat T6, and then we switched to heroic and we were able to beat it in 30 minutes or less. You will be able to easily beat it.
  • Basically the Rancor maybe has a bit more Tenacity. So TM reduction is only really, really, really overpowered instead of really, really, really, really really overpowered.

    Otherwise the pigs and rancor are a bit faster and hit a lot harder. But that stuff is meaningless as long as your TM reduction is going fine.
  • There are 3 main difficulties between tier 6 & 7 Rancor:
    He's faster, has more tenacity and can attack 3 times.

    This more or less means that you can get away without a tenacity down in tier 6, but not tier 7.

    Other than that, if you can solo t6, you can probably solo t7, though you may need more speed if you can only barely solo t6.
  • The only pitfall would be to wait any further. You will probably discover, that you could have switched to heroic several months ago.
  • We just completed our first the other day. 5 of us could solo T6, so we figured we would try. Had 29 people get 0 damage and 1 person solo'd it in less than 30 minutes. We definitely missed out for months.