Forum Discussion

AgentSmit58's avatar
8 years ago

My veiw on Legendary Events

Many in the community have been complaining about the short notice given for legendary events. I have always looked at this as an opportunity to reward those who have already invested in characters outside of the normal meta (and of course to those who spend money on the game).

After the first event everyone who wasn't prepared then has time (months) to farm up and get what they need for it. For instance with people who missed out on cls the first time around I'm sure they're already prepared for him the second time around now. Just wanted to know if anyone else had similar thoughts? I know the fact the meta is usually with that new character for a few months but again I think that's the reward of not investing in to the current meta or being someone who provides income to the people who work on this game.

(Disclaimer: I am actually a F2P been playing for quite a while and did not get cls and won't be getting bb8)