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batman12jk's avatar
4 years ago

Need help beating tier 6 Thrawn

I need help beating tier 6 Thrawn. Is this team enough ?

  • I’d say level your characters up more and get 5 dot mods for all of the mods slots.

    What are your characters’ speeds?
  • Yeah, the mods & your levels are it.

    1. If you can get to L76, the put the Omegas on Ezra & Zeb primaries.

    2. Don't level up mods that don't have Speed on them. Either a Speed Primary Arrow or Speed Secondary stats for the other slots.

    3. Phoenix for the most part wants Health mods except Ezra who wants Offense.
    Get some Potency on Zeb for sure. Tenacity + Health for Kanan.
    For Chopper & Hera, just load them up with 6 health mods w/ the best speeds you can muster.

  • To be blunt, your mods look really bad, and I can't even see the stats on them.

    Not to worry, that can be changed, and I only say this as someone that didn't do mods right either till after I'd blown WAY to much $$ leveling the wrong stuff.

    I just posted some info in another thread the other day so I'm being lazy & reposting it here for you.

    Just some advice on what to farm & what your looking for..... SEE BELOW



    So my suggestions would be the follow.

    "Left Side Mods" (Square, Diamond, Circle)

    1-4* = Sell
    5* Grey = Sell.
    5* Green -> Gold = Sell if you don't see Speed at Level-1

    Left Side mods can only have a single option for the Primary stat (2 for Circle), so for these its all about having good secondary stats & 1 of those MUST be speed.

    If you don't see it at L1, SELL IT.

    Seriously in time you will have SO many of the 3 shapes above, and ALL of them will have speed at some point after a year or so.

    It will just come down to slowly removing 3-5 speed stuff & slicing things that are 8+ speed by L12.
    If you attempt to level them all up now you WILL be BROKE.

    Instead as you farm them from the 5* Challenges, just work on leveling stuff that has Speed at L1 & hope you get some added stacks by L12.

    Everything that looks like crap from the start, SELL, & save those creds to level the stuff that looks good from the beginning.




    "Right Side Mods" (Arrow, Triangle, Cross)

    These have a MUCH greater selection of primary abilities than the left side trio.

    So for here you'll want to look at "Matching" the Set type w/ the Primary attribute.

    IE... You don't want an Offense Triangle w/ Defense Primary, it just doesn't match in giving those mods a "focus"

    Here, if you can find a nice synergy of Set/Primary then you want to level it even if its Grey at 5* to see if speed shows up.

    I'd also NOT sell a 1-4* mod if it has a great combo since you'll get some use out of it for a good year.

    Things your looking for.

    ANY Arrow w/ SPEED primary (Keep them ALL for now)
    IF, you come across a good alternate combo, like, Defense Arrow w/ Crit Avoidance or Protection Primary & it ALSO has Speed on it at Level-1, Keep that one too, Level to 12 to see if the Speed Stacks.
    Same thing for say Offense Arrow w/ Offense Primary & Speed Secondary.
    The key for these 1-offs is the Synergy of the Primary w/ Set & that it is showing Speed as a Secondary at L1.
    If it isn't then SELL those too.


    Crit Damage Primary Triangles are almost as useful as Speed Arrows.
    Especially so if its on a Set that is Attacker oriented, Offense, Crit Chance/Damage, Potency, even Health.
    If you see these, Keep them, if they have Speed as secondary showing at L1, then Level them asap & see if it stacks.

    Similar to the alternate Arrow options, if you find something that is really showing nice "synergy", like a Defense Triangle w/ Primary as Defense/Protection, and it happens to have Speed at L1 as a Secondary.
    Keep it, Level it, not everyone needs a Crit Damage triangle, just a LOT of the characters.
    But some tanks & support are more concerned about being beefy to survive.
    So look for those synergy options that also happen to have Speed Secondaries.


    Potency & Tenacity are the "special" primaries here so getting a double on those (Potency Cross + Potency Primary) for either Potency or Tenacity is useful.

    Otherwise just look for good "combos" like an "attacker" based Set cross that has Offense Primary, or a
    "Tank" set (Health/Defense) with more Health/Defense/Protection on the Primary.

    Any time you can be synergized like that its worth leveling up to 12 to see if Speed shows up or stacks.
    What you don't want to do is be leveling every mod you farm just "hoping" you see speed show up on a Grey mod.

    That should be just for stuff like I mentioned above (Crit Dam Triangle w/ Crit Dam Primary)

    If you level too much you WILL be broke.

    I remember having plenty of creds right till G-War at L40 & then suddenly from L45 or so all the way till about 6 MONTHS or year into being Level 85 that I finally had Creds to spend freely & start leveling pretty much any character/mod/ship that I needed too.

    Prior to that you'll want to be very picky so that you CAN level the ones that actually look good instead of just "hoping" something becomes good. (IE, again, DONT level Grey "Left Side" mods, its a waste for now).

    I hope this helps keep you in some creds for the next 35 levels & makes the eventual "cleaning" of your mods inventory easier in the long run.




    Hope this makes some sense, if not, feel free to ask questions.

    Mods are one of the most important tools in the game to make a character better, but, that's only if its the RIGHT mods.
    Good Mods are what makes a team go from beatable looking to "WTF just happened there, I'm dead"
    They are also what lets you pass events with WAY LESS total gear than other people used.
  • A few days ago I got 7* thrawn on my alt account with g9 ezra and g8 the rest. I only omegad the unique abilities as they are applied to all thanks to Hera's leadership. All were level 85 and had good mods which I borrowed from others for the event.

    So these are pretty much minimum reqs I think. Also you might need to try several times to get good rng
  • That should be enough for t6, except for your mods. If you don't have any, try to farm more with speed secondaries.