Forum Discussion

motherfkea's avatar
2 years ago

Need rework on Darth Sidious, Dooku

How the hell two iconic characters of Starwar is like garbage in this game? while master Yoda easily finds his place in any Jedi team and sync very well, these two are most likely given up their places to others in Sith team. In movie, Darth Sidious is as strong as Yoda and known as Emperor. Should he deserve to be reworked to bring glory to the Sith/Empire?

If you are running out of idea to rework Darth Sidious, here is an example, or you can ask community for some hints.

3rth Special skill (3 turns cd): Deal special damage to all enemy, dispell all buffs and inflict shock on them. If target enemy already has any shock, deal additional massive damage and stun them for 1 turn which cannot be resisted.

4th special skill (2 turn cd): dispell all buffs on target enemy and inflict all debuffs on the fields to target enemy for 2 turns

Unique: Darth Sidious cannot be defeated if there are any Sith allies still alive. Darth Sidius gains 2% offense (stacking until end of encounter) and regains 5% health and protection when a debuff expired on enemy.

if anyone agree with me, please vote as you did to Mace Windu.
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