Forum Discussion

sickagony's avatar
8 years ago

'NOOOOOOOOOO shard' is looking for shardmates (LINE)

I'm looking for shardmates of THE NOOOOOOOOOO shard (the peeps will now what i mean with that):

Goldark, moi soldat (foxhound evolved), mastex, Perfektionist, cantona, everyone, pretorian, jade bale, vza, giulius95, morgoth, jam, jon solborne, squanchy, ATM, goonbenToki, pablobis, booskirk, eiko, jet'hero, luma, Giuseppe XD, kalimale, luisoc, moi soldat, loïc, dieu, incogOO7 etc.

Ofc all(!) of our shardmates are welcome!
Drop me your line id and ingame name here, I'll invite you to our channel then.
So far....


May the force be with you, always

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