8 years ago
Looking for Fleet Shardmates
I am looking for the following people in my fleet shard to join a Line chat. I am RuBar in the shard.
MG-71, CuongTD, Alastis, ShiroQ, KingPhoenix, Bb8, Daniel, xMAx Akasha, StodunK, The EVS, wm, Mastex, Mojo Risin, CV Sun Kaato, Xeno, Ethaaj, BHG ValjeanNack Alfaghn
MG-71, CuongTD, Alastis, ShiroQ, KingPhoenix, Bb8, Daniel, xMAx Akasha, StodunK, The EVS, wm, Mastex, Mojo Risin, CV Sun Kaato, Xeno, Ethaaj, BHG ValjeanNack Alfaghn