Forum Discussion

adriancoolman's avatar
8 years ago

Noticed something in cantina drops

I've done Hera Syndulla and Ezra Bridger at the same time,yet:

Ezra> Now sits at 7 stars with an average of 5 shard drop per 15 sims

Hera> At 4 stars and 40/65 shards to 5 stars with an average drop of 2 per 15 sims.

  • I got similar drop rates for both. What you probably did was farm Ezra during double drops on Phoenix.
  • That's all just relative data with normal highs and lows try doing 10000 of each and compare numbers
  • When the Phoenix thing was going on for Thrawn I tried to farm Hera and I bought 3 crystal refreshes. I got zero (0) shards. 45 battles....Nothing....and it was double drop rate. I was so upset and paranoid about wasting energy that I gave up on Thrawn and went back to farming my HAAT squad.
    Just to see if maybe it was a fluke or something I went back later to farm her again and got a 10% drop rate. Every other character has balanced out over time except her.