Forum Discussion

NarkoThrawn's avatar
9 years ago

Omega ship materials

Hi folks, don´t know wether this has been mentioned before but i could´nt find nothing here about it.

By leveling ship abilities you encounter sooner or later a step where "ship omega materials" are required. Game says you will receive them by completing daily activities lvl 80 and above. So i was lvl 85 in the beginning of ships and completed daily activities every day since the ships update but never got one of them. Is this a bug or am i somehow mistaken ?

16 Replies

  • Yeah I'm tracking. I clicked on the 0/10 requirement for one of my ships to see where we can get them and can see the dialogue window the OP is talking about. I'll touch base with you guys later, probably later tomorrow.
  • scuba75's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    9 years ago
    It has also been reported in the bugs section

    Non response from development team so maybe they are unaware of where to get them.

    According to in game find feature we should be getting them daily at max level

    I can assure we are not.
  • Yes, that is the same designation used for squad omega materials, so presumably the ship omega should drop daily as well.
  • scuba75's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    9 years ago
    I guess progress must be gated by something. Capital ships Blueprints are lacking non-capital ships Omega's are lacking.