Forum Discussion

Devian_Ers's avatar
Seasoned Novice
2 years ago

Omicron idea: Darth Nihilus

This is a pretty simple idea that can make him both: the fearsome defense character in a team as well as solo offense TW one-man army against some teams, basically like he was in game.

Unique: Lord of Hunger
In Territory Wars: Each time Darth Nihilus receives damage that is less than his base Max health, Darth Nihilus receives 20% dmg instead. And if he is in the leader slot - 10% and he also dispells all debuffs on himself as well, in addition damage over time effects inflicted by DN do not expire on enemies

note: dots can be dispelled and do not expire only if he is in Leader slot. By "base Max health" means his basic health stat with mods, that is not increased by passives or leaderships
  • "Devian;d-260163" wrote:
    basically like he was in game.

    unless you were to just run around with a blaster, just staying outside of his range
  • Devian_Ers's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "Zombefyer;c-2393149" wrote:
    OP A F
    he does not have huge health pool even with r9 (62k base + mods around the same value), so some dps with the same invested power can get through them. Plus, there is always characters like cat und Malak with insta-kill moves.
  • Devian_Ers's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "YodasAdoy;c-2393303" wrote:
    "Devian;d-260163" wrote:
    basically like he was in game.

    unless you were to just run around with a blaster, just staying outside of his range
    oh, so theoretical 501, bad batch, bh and mandalorian counters will be faithful to canon =3
  • Devian_Ers's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "yolkywareagle;c-2394897" wrote:
    Maybe like he only takes 25% of the damage that should be dealt instead of just one damage. Other than that, good.
    That's good as well