OP didn't mention it, but you have to stick to using each of their basic attacks on GG.
Start off with Han using Deadeye on B2.
Luke uses Call to Action then Use the Force on GG. If it doesn't clear his TM, exit and restart.
The electro-bots will hopefully attack Luke but focus your basics (and only your basics) on GG.
Electro-bots can be safely attacked when they are stunned, otherwise all attacks - yep, basics only - should be on GG.
At some point GG will give off his manic laugh and respawn his droid pets. That's fine, as long as your Han and lil' Jawa have enough protection they can get through a few waves of this. You can also use CtA on Luke again so he counters the robots' attacks - reapply CtA when they're dead again.
I have g12 CLS and RHan but my Datscha is pretty weak, so I find myself restarting an average of 3-4 times until I get a strong start (primarily Luke removes all of GG's TM on his first attack). I clear it maybe 50% of the time with Luke almost always the only one left alive. When it gets down to him alone I just ensure CtA is off so I get that counter chance to take down the pets and focus on GG.
When/if his rage counter gets down to 3, I start my escape attempts. If all goes well, he's dead by the time i get there.
It's not the strongest team or strategy but if you don't feel like counting hits on GG, it's a pretty straightforward fight. You can also bring Rex in for TM reduction on his basic and dispell. And another meat shield.