Forum Discussion

miknej's avatar
6 years ago

P1 Poggle mission

Has anyone ever completed this mission?! If yes, can someone please post a screenshot, so I know that it is actually doable and also, please explain to me, how I am suppose to survive two 50k+ AOE in a row??! This is really annoying.. 🤬
  • "DaarthBrewer;c-1957952" wrote:
    Finished! My spy and soldier are g11, rest g12.

    Actually my Brood Alpha is g11 as well.

  • The characters on the right are the hero units you need to use to get kills to trigger these buffs going out to all your separatist units.
  • Went 3/4 for the first time with my geos, so I'm pretty happy. I keep forgetting about the separatist hero buffs; these are likely the keys to success.
  • "EventineElessedil;c-1958774" wrote:
    Went 3/4 for the first time with my geos, so I'm pretty happy. I keep forgetting about the separatist hero buffs; these are likely the keys to success.

    Yeah if you can get the full set it makes the final wave a lot easier. Unfortunately this round I wasn't able to get the full set so only went 3/4. It makes a huge difference.
  • Another tip: in the first three phases, if there is a Clone Medic among your enemies, save him for last. He can revive enemies, allowing you to kill them again and get more stacks of Separatist Affiliation.
  • I feel like I am probably missing something, but I don't know how for the first wave of this mission my Geo Brute's taunt is getting ignored. Bug or feature? I have the unique zeta for Alpha, so I would think that he'd have to be the first target with his auto taunt.
  • "Dnoff423;c-1958715" wrote:
    You also need to use the Territory Battle Specific buffs you can get. You can learn more about them from reading the details section but it basically goes like this.

    IF a named separatist leader gets a kill you get 1 stack of a certain buff that gives offense and some other stuff. If you get to 10 you get an uber version of that buff.

    How does that help with the Geonosis combat mission you ask? Sub out geo spy for count dooku. In the first two phases spread out your damage with the geo mass assists and then finish off the enemy characters with dooku and poggle.

    I struggled at this mission for a while until I figured this out. Once you get the uber buff phase 4 is a cakewalk.

    of all the goes to sub out (which I don't recommend) you picked spy?
  • "Gifafi;c-1967498" wrote:
    "Dnoff423;c-1958715" wrote:
    You also need to use the Territory Battle Specific buffs you can get. You can learn more about them from reading the details section but it basically goes like this.

    IF a named separatist leader gets a kill you get 1 stack of a certain buff that gives offense and some other stuff. If you get to 10 you get an uber version of that buff.

    How does that help with the Geonosis combat mission you ask? Sub out geo spy for count dooku. In the first two phases spread out your damage with the geo mass assists and then finish off the enemy characters with dooku and poggle.

    I struggled at this mission for a while until I figured this out. Once you get the uber buff phase 4 is a cakewalk.

    of all the goes to sub out (which I don't recommend) you picked spy?

    Yes. You need brood alpha because obviously and sun fax, puggle, and soldier are required if I remember correctly. That leaves spy.
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