Forum Discussion

StorKulur's avatar
Seasoned Novice
2 hours ago

URGENT Raid Adjustment

Summery:  add a feature that allows a player to “sim” the raid for 80% of their top score. Or maybe they need to hit the score a set number of times to have the sim option going forward. (3-5 is reasonable). 

This will still require players to invest in the raid, maybe even more incentive to invest more without demanding more time.  

It’s something like this or change the raid mechanics completely.  

The raid is creating a situation for many long time players who would otherwise be happy with SWGOH.  It’s requiring too much time in a game that is already requiring too much time from people. Losing players who spend money and dedicated time to the game can’t be good for business…   No matter how many hours you see people “interacting” with the new raid. 

As a Guild Leader and discord server owner for my community, I’m seeing the impacts of the raid time requirements on guild to guild level. 

CG, help us out here. As a 600mil guild, we are going to keep losing players and buddies who have been playing for years due to the nearly unreasonable amount of time the game is requiring, without there being any option to reduce that time (without penalty). 

SWGOH is a speeding train for competitive players, if you step off the train, even for a short time, it leaves you behind in an almost unrecoverable way. 

Build in some relief points…  please 

CG_Meatheadyou have my discord Stor Kulur, please reach out with any communication on this or plans to address the above. 

  • DarjeloSalas's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer

    +1 from me. Asking people to obtain the score multiple times before simming is available is a nice touch, though I fear might make this beyond the capacity of the devs. 

  • 100% yes. If it's the only thing I have to worry about at a time, I don't mind having to repeat a battle two or at most three times because I made a wrong move or got a single bad instance of RNG. I do mind having to repeat a battle over a dozen times because of ridiculous RNG throughout the entire battle, ridiculously overpowered enemy abilities, and ridiculously underwhelming player modifiers. Especially when we also have to worry about several other events running at the same time.

    I just can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to next week, what with Conquest, TB, the raid (I just checked, we'll have enough tickets to be able to launch it exactly on Monday), and the final attack round of this GAC season (on Monday). And just in case it wasn't obvious, I was being sarcastic with that sentence. A lot of my guildmates and I refer to it as Hell week.

    Boy, do I miss the days of the Sith Raid. Yes, it was more a matter of competing with your guildmates for better individual rewards than of working together to get good guild rewards (the only true good thing about this new system), BUT you could theory craft as much as you want, as opposed to having to use the exact same teams and strategies every week, the difficulty properly tuned so that the raid was challenging yet manageable, and the progress you made as you upgraded your teams was much more noticeable. As an example, take the Heroic tier of the Sith Raid, if you went in with a G12 JTR team, you would be able to score a few points, but if you went in with a R5+ team, you would be making a lot more progress, simply because there were no additional modifiers and therefore no additional RNG that came with gearing up your toons. The only changes in difficulty from Tier 1 to Tier 2 and so on were how much health, and, to a lesser extent, damage, speed and maybe tenacity the enemies had. And even then, as I said, the more you upgrade your team, the less those increases matter. Meanwhile, especially in the case with the Naboo raid, the difficulty increase from one tier to the next is a lot more noticeable in all regards (health, speed, damage, tenacity, defense, critical avoidance, additional mechanics, oh brother what else), while the player (tier and faction/hero) bonuses do practically nothing to actually balance it out. Just look at the hero bonuses for this raid, they're downright embarassing compared to those in the Krayt raid.

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