Forum Discussion

JEZZAFOLD's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Paper Zombie

I am firmly in favour of discouraging the paper zombie. I bought zombie and Talzin way back on release for a significant sum. Then the new Sith raid comes out and i am disadvantaged in favour of FTP people who now have the ability to out score me and collect better gear. Max score i can achieve is 4m with that team vs 8m+. Im now behind in farming Traya in relation to my FTP guildmates. I expect some recompense for this especially as you have admitted the paper zombie is undesirable for the game. All the focus seems to be on 'critolite' and nerfing that somehow but the issue of paper zombie for the guys who bought her and geared her up before STR hasnt been discussed yet?

7 Replies

  • Doesn't matter if you're f2p or p2p, it's super easy to read a characters kit and see how it'll react with their factions. Also the devs already stated(I think yesterday) that they're working on changes for zombie.

    Edit: so yes they're aware of paper zombie, and it's been discussed, clearly.
  • You are missing my point. I am saying they haven't discussed the problem of how people like myself have been disadvantaged from the mechanics of the Sith raid by buying zombie early and gearing her. The Sith Raid came out after the release of the zombie and as i, and others like me, had geared her up ALREADY for Arena we are left at a disadvantage that deserves some recompense.This is because they have stated retrospectively, ( after SIth raid release), that this should not be an advantage. As a P2P player it does matter because the FTP have benefitted from not spending on zombie. Yes they are working on changes to zombie. I said inmy first sentence i agree with what they are doing. They havent addressed how i wil be compensated when i was left with no way of competing in the newest game content because of their error with the new raid nerfing a fully geared zombie. Perhaps in time they will address this.
  • So in reality they have discussed how geared zombies perform less well then under geared zombies..
    And stop with the p2p vs. F2p. Having money has nothing to do with the ability to read a characters kit.
    Why would they compensate? Because you get 1 or 2 less traya shards? You don't get that g 12+ ?? At least you're farming heroic sith already.
  • 'And stop with the p2p vs. F2p'. I will say what I think thanks very much. Reading the kit isn't the issue. New content giving FTP an advantage is when a P2P character goes FTP. at Sith raid release. Without PTP there would be no game so get off your high horse and realise it's not just about you and my point is legitimate. I have already posted a complaint to CG Tophat on this matter so I'll let you know what happens. The tend to listening on people who pay their bills.
  • The thing is reading does help, i do spend money on this game as well, but even I realized hey, she dies and comes back, hey daka and asajj both get bonuses from her. Too easy I don't want her too high of gear. And no, zombie didn't go f2p at sith raid release. She went to shipments in january(easy to get 4 shards a day with arena payouts) and then hardnode in april... along with talzin and wicket, you know because everyone was mad at the ridiculously long farm period. Anyway good luck getting compensated and thank you for the service you do to this community by paying CG's bills! See ya on the holotable!
  • There are people doing 7-8M regularly with g12 zombie.
    Also good luck. I doubt you’ll get anything free because you whaled out, but I have been wrong before (once). It does suck for whales that went wild on zombie initially.