Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
Rising Ace
5 years ago

Playing SWGOH on M1 Macs

With the new M1 silicon macs being released, it is now possible to run a lot of iOS apps directly on your laptop in a way that wasn't possible before. But of course it's not working for all apps yet (and possibly never will). I'm thinking of replacing my MacBook pro. It's 5 years old now and although it mostly works fine the battery life is paltry these days, while my need for battery life has actually increased lately.

So I'll keep this machine as a good backup no matter what I do, but the new MacBook Air is tempting. SWGOH is the only game I play regularly, and if it's not available on the new M1 macs, I'll still need to carry both my iPad and my laptop in a lot of situations. But if I'm doing that anyway, the portability increase of the MacBook is less than it would otherwise be.

So I know it seems weird, but how soon I replace this laptop probably will be impacted by whether (and when) SWGOH is available for play on the new hardware.

Is there anyone that has one of the new laptops? Are you running SWGOH? Or does @CG_doja_fett or someone else from CG have anything to say about the availability of the SWGOH client on the M1 laptops?

Thanks to anyone who has any useful information. Specifics about which apps are up & running already is scant. If I could find the info through Google, I wouldn't be asking you good folks.