and here is my QOL wishlist, in the form of questions that I have asked the devs during every single Q&A..............
1) Can the ingame chat let us know when a Raid's phase 4 is completed? It already says when the first three phases are complete. Why not phase 4?
2) On the character inventory page, a player may select a filter to show Rebels, Empire, First Order etc. That being said, more and more characters have multiple tags these days. While I can select Separatists OR Droids, I cannot select Separatists AND Droids. Do you think being able to select multiple tags would make for a good QOL update?
3) About double drops. I want to be clear, I am not complaining about them. Anytime you want to give away free stuff, I am all for it. That being said, would it be feasible to give a 100% drop rate instead of giving double drops? It does leave a semi bad taste in your mouth when you spend 100 crystals on a cantina refresh, for example and get zero drops of whatever you are farming. Two times zero still equals zero after all.
4) You recently removed the 4 dot mods from the mod store. Kudos!!! Can the 3 dot mods be removed from tier III of the mod challenges? They serve no purpose whatsoever.
5) Some battles that we have already achieved 3 stars in are starting to get tedious. All of the eight round assault battles come to mind. Are there any plans to allow us to sim ALL battles that we have already achieved 3 stars in? Over a year ago, you said you were going to take a "holistic approach to time-saving" but since then, you have made these battles take even more time by adding additional tiers to the events. Can you please explain the contradiction?
6) At the moment, there are three prestigious quests that are tied to the ranking in the HAAT (Tank) Raid. The relevant part of the quest is listed below.
• Jedi Knight 4/4 - Earn rank 10 or higher 5 times in the HAAT Raid
• Jedi Master 1/4 - Earn rank 3 or higher 3 times in the HAAT Raid
• Jedi Master 4/4 - Earn rank 1 in the HAAT Raid
In the eventuality that the Tank Raid becomes simmable, will there be any special consideration for the players trying to do these quests or will each player have to ask their guild's leadership NOT to sim the tank raid at least 9 times? Perhaps simply ***designating*** everyone as 1st place and give everyone the same 5th, 10th, 15th or whatever rewards?
7) Over a year ago, you said that fleet "squads" were on your QOL wishlist. Ever since then, people have been asking for them during every Q&A. Now with 8 capital ships, the need is even greater. Will we ever be able to save our fleets just like we do with squads?