Forum Discussion

CorpseMaker77's avatar
7 years ago

Question for those who got CLS

Hey guys sorry for starting another thread, but just wanted to be sure if I have enough requirements to beat all tiers for CLS?

I will post my toons current stats here because the SWGOH has not updated yet and my current gear is higher than shown there

Ben > g10
Luke > g9
Han > g9
R2-D2 >g9 (a few green and blue pieces away to g10)
Leia > g9 (Like recommended I'm getting her first two abilities omega'd)

Do you guys think it's doable?
Also I only need 4 pieces to get a full zeta, should I save for CLS or should I put on R2 for the event?

I have started playing back in July and I kept my focus and maximized my resources on Rebels, Empire. I got the last 2 stars on R2 on thursday and was such a joy.

Thanks for your time guys. May the Force be with you All!

  • Ill at least answer the zeta idea. Dont put it on R2 unless you want the zeta on R2 in other aspects of the game. Wait for the event to come out, if you cant do it then and only then go for the zeta (number crunch i assume).

    I hope it doable at your gear level as I havent done it yet.

    I know though from stories that your old ben is overkill. And the others dont seem too far off what ive heard from other people.
    My han gear 9 (1 piece off gear 10, will give if i struggle)
    leia gear 8 (again 1 piece off)
    Luke gear 8, I havent heard many people needing higher as long as Han is decent
    R2 gear 9 with number crunch (I actually did go for it but mostly because I intend to use R2 a lot for lightside teams in the future anyway).

    So last piece of advice. Just do the event as is, then if you struggle get the gear to the next level. WIth stormtrooper han taking priority as hes a taunting tank and surviving is important.

    I know I havent done the event yet but Ive been playing this game longer, and in all honesty doing as Ive suggested has no downsides. You just have the option of giving the saved up gear to use directly on luke rather than giving in early and using it on characters to make unlocking luke eaiser when it was already possible.

    Good job with your resource management btw, I help newer players in my guild on a day to day basis and youve got your shit together

  • The gear is ok for all (I had my CLS with g8 Ben, Stormtrooper Han and Farmboy Luke, g9 Leia and R2).
    But I hope that now they are level 85!
  • Heard it's possible with all Gear 8 toons. Maybe even with G7s. Seen some videos and it doesn't seem to be half as hard as the Thrawn's event. Even the first 3 stages of tier 7 Thrawn event is a little bit harder than the whole battle of the last tier of the CLS journey. And people usually auto through the first 3 stages of tier 7 Thrawn event. It should be a cake walk for you.
  • Thanks for the input guys.

    I managed to omega'd Leia's abilities and got R2-D2 to g10 last night.

    So my current status now is:

    Ben g10
    Luke g9 (max abilities)
    Han g9
    Leia g9 (with omegas)
    R2 g10

    I will just move some good mods from my empire to them, and I guess I should be able to get CLS.
  • "farqs;c-1402562" wrote:
    I’ve also heard that it’s important to put good mods on StH and load him up with protection as the final stage is tricky. I’ve gone overboard with gear levels personally as I use Leia and R2 in my arena squad: R2 and Leia are g12, StH g11, farm Boi and Old ben are g9.

    yeah, so I heard about the last battle and STH carrying the team along with R2.


    got Han to G10 this morning, I guess now is all about good mods.
  • Just in case I've updated my Leia, so now with the exception of FBL all my team is g10. I hope it's enough, because I wanna save all I can for CLS.
  • "Kevern_Zaksor;c-1406806" wrote:
    So how'd it go?

    "DapperChewie;c-1406842" wrote:
    I have no doubt that he finished the entire thing in less than 10 minutes, without dying once.

    But I'm curious as to OP's answer :)

    I did it first day, all on auto without dying once. It was piece of cake. No Zetas and only Leia's Hair Trigger and Rebel Tactics omega'd.

    Sorry guys, only recorded the last Tier since I didnt have much free space in my phone.