Forum Discussion

argofett00's avatar
9 years ago

"R2... Let the Wookies win."

As fans of Star Wars, I think most everyone likes the Wookies! Chewbacca included they are awesome to behold, fantastic warriors, & highly intelligent. Way after Luke Skywalker & Mandalorians I've heard them requested a few times. But are they really varied enough as a species to create a new tough squad for Galaxy of Heroes? YES!

After a lot of research at wookieepedia wikia I've finally comprised a complete list of the best & most varied wookies to join this game. Since most are non canon, look them up if you get the time to see if you agree with my choices. I didn't include the future version of Chewbacca because he may join the game working better with scoundrels than his own kind. So the other choices to form a squad are...

Tyvokka- A male Wookie Jedi Master. What more needs to be said???
Tarful- A male wookie Chieftain & General during the Clone Wars & after.
Yarua- A male wookie senator during the Clone Wars.
Jakarro- A male wookie smuggler. Different from Chewbacca.
Bowdaar- A male wookie Gladiator fighter.
Dewlanna- A female wookie healer who healed a young Han Solo.
Grakchawwaa- A male Wookie King. Perhaps their greatest warrior everto live.
Hanharr- A male wookie Bounty Hunter.

I tried to pick the most wide variety & even unique looking ones I could find. Feel free to add any to this list I may have missed that are cool. I'm hoping all of you who know the EU well will speak up if you know any of these. They come from comics, video games & books from the Star Wars EU & I hope some fans recognize at least a few of them. They would make a tough squad & I'd much rather have a Wookie than an Ewok any day.
  • Yep. And Wookies are strong, smart and excellent warriors. It definitely would be cool to see!