Forum Discussion

leep1975's avatar
8 years ago

R2D2Daring Droid Event - Minimum character requirements?

There’s nothing more frustrating than an event starting only to find that you don’t have the minimum characters required to take part

Please can someone tell me the minimum require,ents for the empire characters we need?

  • Every legendary event is exactly the same nothing special about R2. If you want 5* you need 5* empire troops you want 6* you need 6* empire troops you want 7* you need 7* empire troops. Not a secret. All legendary events are mostly the same nowadays as far as gearing min for a chance is g8 > much higher chance g9 > guarantee > g10. The one exception to this is I believe GM Yoda and Palpatine as their event hasn't be re-worked to include mods where as all other legendary events assume decent to good mods.
  • So having five 7* with above average mods and gear 9+ but lower than level 80 is doable? I have Tarkin, TFP, Stormtrooper, super commando and magma. TFP with tarkin lead is 250+ speed but I estimate being only level 76ish. I'll have them all max gear at that level which I believe is gear 9 plus a few extra pieces. I have pretty decent arena mods for them.
  • Thank you all

    That’s really helpful! Got to get that fifth five star character ready!