Invincible Capital Ship Concept
Inspiration: Whereas the Malevolence is focused on Offence, the Invincible will be more focused on Defence. Also, Admiral Trench is the only Admiral in-game without a Capital Ship
Unit Name: Invincible
Fleet Commander: Admiral Trench
Affiliation: Dark Side, Capital Ship
Tags: Separatist
Attacks and Abilities
Basic: Heavy Cannons
Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and inflict Target Lock for 2 turns.
Target Lock: Inflicts Evasion Down for 2 turns and this attack can't be Evaded.
Special 1: Tracking Torpedoes (Cooldown: 3)
Dispel Stealth from al Stealthed enemies and inflict Expose and Target Lock on them for 2 turns, which can't be resisted. Then deal Physical damage to target enemy and all other Target Locked enemies. This attack can't be evaded.
Special 2: Hyena Bombing Run (Cooldown: 3)
Deal Special Damage to all enemies and place 2 Concussion Mines on them.
Target Lock: Increase duration of Target Lock by 1 turn and place an additional Concussion Mine on them.
Special 3: Thermal Shields (Cooldown: 5)
Dispel all debuffs from all allies, recover 30% of their Health and 60% of their Protection, and grant them Tenacity Up and Damage Immunity for 2 turns, which can't be prevented. This ability starts on cooldown.
Unique: I Am Your Doom
Target Locked enemies can't gain Stealth. Whenever the Invincible uses a Special ability, all allies gain 10% Turn Meter, doubled for Separatist allies, and a random enemy suffers Fear for 1 turn, which can't be evaded. Whenever a Separatist ally attacks a Target Locked enemy during their turn, they inflict Tenacity Down for 1 turn, which can't be evaded, and the Invincible gains 5% Turn Meter.
Reinforcement Bonus: Reinforcements gain Critical Hit Immunity and Accuracy Up for 3 turns.