7 years ago
RIP Revan
ReBorn on Oct 18th, a short lived return, never to return again. 3 things I've learned.. 1. If too many people buy you, then their release candice breaks gets delayed up to 140 days. 2....
"Revan_Presence;c-1756707" wrote:I'm not a fan of Revan's kit because its untrue to the character and just a bunch of things meant to counter every single meta so far. I think people hating CG because of his kit is silly. CLS was like this, Traya was like this, eventually his kit would be great but not anything to cry over. His entire kit revolves around having him in the leader ability. Revan's kit is ok outside of the leadership slot and its easy to get rid of him from the meta, release a leader that is better than Revan and he doesn't hold much utility anymore
Most of the players hate you for that. You gave them the reason. You deserve to be hated.
"Revan_Presence;c-1756707" wrote:OT Falcon is a huge content for people asking for more ships, and why is this a bad thing? Are they not allowed to release any toons or ships unless Revan returns after October 18?
And as if that wasn't enough, now you release OT Falcon instead of toon that was hysterically farmed by pretty much everybody for like last 3-3.5 months.
"Revan_Presence;c-1756707" wrote:Expectations set by whom? CG never said the arena will shake up every 2 weeks. You made the expectation and you were deceived at your own expectations. Please don't blame others for your own faults. Revan teams can be beaten, first you needed good mods but with C3PO, the arena is no longer in a "paylock"
Of course nobody gave any guarantees that he'll be back this january. And so what?..
We have the usual cadence here, arena paylock there, and everybody around farming OR toons. It doesn't matter who has or haven't announced what, as long as so much people are upset with what you did.
Each day you are not returning JKR, since 10.01.2019, gives one more solid reason to hate you. Each day you become more disgusting for all the players who's expectations were deceived. One of top 10 expectations was that arena paylock won't stay for that long.
Or what, this paylock was meant to stay? Then why don't you just stand up, step forward and say: "Dear players, our shining new buisness plan is to keep arena top for the whales and krakens only. Everybody else, enjoy being non-competitive forever, bye."
"Revan_Presence;c-1756707" wrote:
Agreed with TS on 2 and 3. I'd add that:
If all the whales who bought you will be too unhappy with your return in normal delay, then you won't.
...I hate you, Cruel Greed / Extortion Arts.
P.S. @Gair , nice to meet another X-COM: Enemy Unknown fan player this days, I guess.)