Forum Discussion

LordDirt's avatar
New Traveler
10 months ago

Scout Trooper omicron, is it worth it?

I can't find much info on if the omicron is worth it. Anyone add it and see a huge impact in the raid?
  • "Deathbringer59;c-2450397" wrote:
    I honestly jumped the gun and omni Scout. Is she worth it? Idk but I did it so I'm going to use it. The raid is the current way to earn MK3 and she can do some decent scores in the raid from what I've done. Makes the run a little easier and from the description she'll be used in the raids down the line. How far away that is though will be up to CG putting her as a requirement. For the next 8-9 months and I'll at least be able to get some higher scores. I didn't do Boush so I like to think I'm helping the guild out to reach the next box

    Helping the guild get the next box is the thing to consider, right?
    So let's go crazy, and say the the omi is worth 1 million extra points. Tier 5 is pretty much the first place this could be the case, so we're talking r7 characters in the roster here.
    So in a guild with all people with a few r7 teams to use, reaching the 208 box is easy. 250 let's say. If every player in that guild applied the omi, with the 1 million extra points, that 50 million extra still makes zero difference to the guild box.
    For many players it might not even bridge to the next personal reward.

    I think many players could make up a million points with some g12 upgrades or low relics on their bottom 3 teams.

    And I really don't think the omi is going to make a million points difference. Seems like there are plenty of ways to get extra points for the guild without using up an omi.

    I found the boush omi good, as I ran my Jabba team every 3 days, and it made it easier to hit max in one try. I don't see that same incentive here.
  • "PrettyFly4QuiGuy;c-2450236" wrote:
    "Horriblossom;c-2450231" wrote:
    Can only be used on ONE specific raid, one time per raid event. F--k no.

    You might want to go back and read all the words

    Ah - I did miss that. Nearly useless though, so not sure it matters.
  • no i took the plunge already and nets 100k more then without it but thats it.

    i hate agreeing with ahnald but if it was 10 omis might be worth it but 20 seems a bit much
  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    Maybe if it was only 10 omicrons like Boushh's was, I'd be interested. But not quite there yet. Especially since the speeder raid is still in flux.
  • "ItsNotMe;c-2450667" wrote:
    I’d like to think that since they baked in that verbiage about it being used in other raids besides Endor, there’s plans to have Scout in future raids. But without clear directive and communication from CG, it makes it very difficult to confidently pull the trigger. Personally, I don’t think I’ll ever apply a raid omicron unless it’s just absolutely transcendent. At least not at 20 mats. My omi priority is GAC first (by far), TW (distant) second.

    I feel like that verbiage is more aimed at legacy raids than future raids - but who's to say? Maybe the next raid will be all about the imperial remnants.
  • "Hermitthedruid;c-2450561" wrote:
    You get half the frequency of use but charge double the omi price compared to BL? Ok CG. ?

    1) Half the frequency, twice the rewards, same net result (and actually better results since we're getting higher scores)
    2) BL half price omi was temporary
  • "TVF;c-2450682" wrote:
    "Hermitthedruid;c-2450561" wrote:
    You get half the frequency of use but charge double the omi price compared to BL? Ok CG. ?

    1) Half the frequency, twice the rewards, same net result (and actually better results since we're getting higher scores)
    2) BL half price omi was temporary

    1) That’s the same net result without Scout omi. Your response doesn’t apply to the question: “why should I apply Scout omi?”

    2) Yes. I wouldn’t have applied BL omi if it wasn’t on sale; but it was, and I applied it.