Forum Discussion

PublicEnemySWGO's avatar
9 years ago

Sell gear for tokens , gear shop

Hello everyone, I propose adding another shipments section, one where you can sell your excess gear for tokens, which would be used to buy gear you actually need.
For example , I have : 446 Mk 4 Arakyd Droid Caller Salvage , 692 Mk 5 SoroSuub Keypad ,275 Mk 3 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars , and the list goes on.
Besides me, I have guildmates who have around 500 raid furnace salvage, but desperately need other raid parts. And I am sure that everyone experiences the lack of needed gear.

I agree that gear should be hard to get, but the sheer amount needed is overwhelming. I need around 4-5 days to farm a Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun Prototype.

5 Replies

  • I concur I have also asked for new shipment box where u can upgrade your gear into stronger gear that u need but also use it as a trading post to sell excess gear u don't need I have thousands of gear I would love to sell or upgrade I could use the gear and coin from it but I would like an area where I can swap excess toon shards for their ships aswell
  • Too bad the devs will probably try to ignore this. This should happen. I'm sitting on hundreds of MK 1 gear. Bronziums...
  • I'm actually pretty sure I'm coming up on 1000 of some pieces of gear. I use a couple here and there while leveling a new character, nobody in guild requests them because they also have more than they need at all times, and it just sits there.

    Even selling them for 10 credits each would be more beneficial than what it's doing now...
  • There are certain pieces of gear that I have well over 100-200 on and I'll literally never use because there's just not enough characters. If I got 1,000-5,000 credits back for each piece depending on rarity I would be jumping up and down. Hope that answers your question. :)
  • Here's how I think it should work:

    A Mk1 => Mk 2 requires 5xMk1 to get a single Mk2.
    A Mk2 => Mk3 requires 5xMk2 to get a single Mk3, etc.

    If you want to trade to a completely different kind of gear, you can only trade grey for grey, green for green, etc. It requires 5 grey gear to get 1 different grey gear. It requires 5 purple gear to get one different purple gear.

    I've noticed that some purple gear is not equal to other purple gear. For those pieces, like Raid gear, you can only trade Raid Purple for Raid Purple (or Advanced Purple for Advanced Purple), and it still costs 5 salvage of one type to get 1 salvage of another type.

    So if you want to trade Grey gear for purple? 125 grey gear => 25 green gear => 5 blue salvage => 1 purple salvage.

    If you want grey gear of one type (a grey Armor Mod to become a purple Holo Projector):
    625 grey Armor Mod => 125 green Armor Mod => 25 Blue Armor Mod => 5 Purple Armor Mod => 1 Purple Holo Projector.

    yes, it's a TON of grey gear to get what you need, but I'm actually sitting on a lot of blue gear, and being able to go from a couple hundred Blue Armor Mods => 40 Purple Armor Mods => 8 Purple Holo projectors or 8 Weapon Mods would help me more than leaving those Blue salvage sitting around.

    I don't think this would change the game. it would still be a lot more efficient to spend 8 energy farming a Purple Holo Projector than 6 energy farming grey or green or blue gear in hopes of trading up. Also, as I think I've shown, it wouldn't grant you a million new purple gear right away. At best you could get 50-100 of the purple gear that you need for all those things you have way too many of.

    Me? I'd trade a bunch of grey for Mk 3 Blastech Weapon Mods, I always seem to be lacking those. I'd also trade a bunch of grey for Grey Fusion Furnaces (Mk1 CEC Furnace) and Mk1 Armor Mods - I never seem to have enough of either of those.

    Some of the green might go to more Blastech Weapon Mods, but some might go to Blue Comlinks (and maybe even purple com links, I don't have enough of either blue or purple com links). You can definitely use it to give yourself a bump. It would make it a lot easier for high-level players to get a new toon from Gear1 to Gear7, but it wouldn't help much with raid gear.

    Anyway, it would help you get your new toons to barely-usable bt it wouldn't get rid of gear farming requirements and it DEFINITELY wouldn't be cheaper than farming the gear you need directly.

    I think this is the kind of system that the devs could implement that would make certain aspects of the game less tedious without changing the game.