Forum Discussion

AbC2945a4295323's avatar
4 years ago

Shipments Store

Dev team,
I'm assuming this has been brought up before but I don't have the time to comb through the forums looking for it.

It would be really nice if the 4 separate gear shipments (credit purchasable) would be combined into one "supply crate". One daily achievement.

If different types of items can't be included in one purchase then make it a card and have us grab two separate data cards each day.

Yes, this is annoying.
No, I don't care if you think I'm a moron for considering this annoying.

I've been having to buy all four of those every day for 6 years.

  • Why did you put crystal shipment on top ?
    can we get our crystals back ?
    After so many years, making a change like this is bad idea unless you want to steal our crystals...
    dick move CG
  • There's no reason to hoard GW currency either, so you don't need even need to spend credits to get your three daily purchases, as you can hit it with the GW store.

    It takes half a second to buy stuff from either. I buy all four credit shipments from every store refresh that I'm in-game for. Need that relic material now I'm 5 GLs in.

    Keep the achievement, it's something for nothing, which is earned doing stuff you'd do anyway.