5 years ago
Ships are too much effort
The drop rates. The single shards in the nodes.
Ships aren’t the most popular thing, and the reason is it’s a chore. It drags. Way more than anything else. You could spend over a year farming a single ship to 7*. You could farm the entire Geonosian squad to 7* and G13, before you could farm Anakin’s star fighter alone. I have to force myself to even do anything with them at all, and the sheer ridiculous nature of drops means I only use the ship energy now for character gear.
I understand this is a pay to play game. I do actually spend a little bit on it. But there is no reward or joy in ships that make you want to invest there. Apart from arena, there isn’t much point at all. And the arena isn’t enough to hold interest in it.
Ships aren’t the most popular thing, and the reason is it’s a chore. It drags. Way more than anything else. You could spend over a year farming a single ship to 7*. You could farm the entire Geonosian squad to 7* and G13, before you could farm Anakin’s star fighter alone. I have to force myself to even do anything with them at all, and the sheer ridiculous nature of drops means I only use the ship energy now for character gear.
I understand this is a pay to play game. I do actually spend a little bit on it. But there is no reward or joy in ships that make you want to invest there. Apart from arena, there isn’t much point at all. And the arena isn’t enough to hold interest in it.