Forum Discussion

alepalermo79's avatar
8 years ago

Should a game be fun or cause of rage and frustration?

My guild is trying to complete our first HAAT, but I feel we will fail again... It seems we cannot finish P2.. the only way is tu sacrifice teams that we would use after... no sense.
Some of us have their first G12 toons, 4-5 zetas.... and we can't.
Hours spent in try, retire, retry, retire...
And should I talk about GW? Everybody knows how fool it is at present days.
TB? The first phases are possible, after you realize that you probably need years to obtain Captain Solo (insanely low drop rate, <10%), who is mandatory to do the battle for ROLO shards, and both are mandatory for a later battle....
Where is the fun in this picture?
Like other people, I already have a work and real problems for which the solution is maybe years far, so I don't need that a game which was fun is becoming more and more frustrating, time consuming and impossible to complete.
In the past I spent sometimes 10 or 20 € and I reached more easily some gear, G12 for two toons, 7 stars for other toons.... but why?
I would probably be happier if I was weaker, so maybe I will not find every day the damned full G12, full Z team that thousands of people seems to have (you all know, because you all have the same problem): CLS, Thrawn, R2,GK, Nihilus. It would be funny to try sometimes the fight against this gods, but NOT EVERY DAY, not with my best toons yet dead to defeat nodes 6, 9 and 11.
GW has been my favorite part of the game but now I hate it, I only use it to earn rewards and don't play node 12.
And I will probably be happier if we were weaker and did not try HAAT, continuing to play the funny AAT.
In conclusion, the efforts to become stronger are useless, and walking the way this game stops to be fun and becomes work, fatigue, anger....
I'm tired of this.

13 Replies

  • "Carth_Onassi1973;c-1271944" wrote:
    My guild leader had a brilliant take on this:

    We're not meant to clear GW every day. We're not meant to finish first every day in arena. We're not supposed to get 45 stars, clear HAAT raids right away. It all takes time. You play by your rules: have fun, don't stress, and don't lose your mind when things don't go your way (I'm extremely guilty of this), you win - every time.

    You rage spend, rage quit, freak out over everything you can't complete, you lose - every time.

    All this thing I mentioned above can and will happen eventually, give time, time. But if it's too much and you get too frustrated (not "you" personally, but "you" in general) then walk away.

    At the end of the day, it's a freemium, mobile app game that is designed to make money and keep players spending; coming back for more, with the allure that it's Star Wars.

    Understand the nature of the beast, then you'll tame it.

    Yes, you're right.
    It was a delusion not to finish HAAT this time too, but I can have fun as you wrote.

    P.S. I had lot of fun doing P1 of HAAT with Commander Luke, solo.
    Unfortunately the party ended soon after.
  • "AleSahnDroh_1979;c-1271958" wrote:
    "Mitchell_1313;c-1271899" wrote:
    Can I see your data to prove that the drop rate is less than 10%? Or is this statistic a little exaggeration.....

    No, you cannot see the data.
    This is not a scientific congress.

    So then clearly the drop rate isn't 10% :)
  • Our guild just finished the first heroic rancor raid, thanks in part to advice gleaned from these forums . I'm working on a anti-grievous team now, again with trial and error and these forums. While being unable to finish gw is annoying. (Really people, putting gear 12 top teams as my last node is getting old fast) I looked at other guilds and am happy with our more casual style of play. So I get frustrated at Galactic War but still enjoy it. Heck I'm trying to Max out Fulcrum not because she might be an awesome in the meta, but because Ahsoka Tano went from the Scrappy to one of the coolest characters out there.