To answer the questions for specifics:
Guild GP- ~55M
We’re doing T4 if the Sith Raid. It takes about a week, mostly because literally everyone in my guild hates it.
I’ve given my specific complaints in the main thread, but here’s a rundown. Nihilus is entirely unpredictable. @Vertigo explained exactly how the description says he works. But, sometimes, you can do the math correctly, count the buffs/debuffs and use the shield at precisely the correct time. Annihilate is available and... he doesn’t use it. For NO REASON.
Then here’s the other phases. Sure, we can do more dmg, but they aren’t fun. The unique buffs/debuffs don’t seem to matter. Cycles of pain/suffering are pointless. They make everyone stronger, but they don’t change anything about how you play. Whoopty do...
Traya’s Isolate is absolutely pointless. I’ve read the description and it doesn’t affect how you play. Because due to their crazy high Tenacity, you can’t use the types of characters that would be hindered anyway.
I’ve seen the videos. “Blue spaghetti team does 1.5M in Sith Raid.” And? 1.5M (or whatever) is not substantial. It’s just throwing “stuff” at the wall to see what sticks. Everyone is doing that. The super guilds with 50 JRT teams that have beaten the raid haven’t really figured anything out. They just have more teams to papercut it with.
The raid is boring. Tedious. Unsatisfying. You never feel like you’ve achieved anything. You dread having to start a new one. That’s a problem.