comparing The two is crazy to me. It’s clear one cares about their community and the other just cares about money. But to compare. I agree let’s get spectator mode, let’s get live friendly battles (no rewards), let’s get some kind of mystery chest/rewards daily. Maybe for finishing daily missions. Let’s get daily guild challenges to actually give useful rewards like the clan chests in clash. Let’s try to release balanced interesting characters instead of ridiculously inflated characters to encourage whales. Let’s have 5 dollar sales to unlock a balanced characters rather than 50 dollars to unlock a character you can’t even use in most content until you either wait or spend hundreds of more dollars to make them usable. Let’s get rid of the absolutely ridiculous life missions. Like complete 10k galactic wars. Considering galactic wars can be completed once a day. This would take 30 years. We get you want us to keep coming back and spend more money. But holy crap take notes. Clash keeps people coming back through balanced affordable content and a large player base. You don’t have to survive off of whales forever EA. Just make good, fair and affordable content and the numbers will show up.
Edit: dang sorry that just kind of happened. Sorry for rant. I do agree with your point and reasons provided though. I think that could be cool