Forum Discussion

AndyG_Doh's avatar
6 years ago

Splash Screen Artwork

Is it just me or is anyone bothered that in the new Ep9 splash screen for the GOH game, Chewbacca's bandolier is on the wrong way round ?? Over is right shoulder rather than his left...

6 Replies

  • Yeah! And red! Why so much red! Dooku’s lightning doesn’t look very Force-like either.

  • My issue is - they couldn't add Santa hats... or a tree with lights... not even a glass of Egg nog on the holotable...

    Other games I play have jingle bells playing on the main screen. I got sleighs flying. I got santa hats, christmas gifts and specials. I got elves.

    I mean, I'm sporting a full santa suit in MC 5....

    No cheer here.
  • All joking apart, after all the time and effort that goes into the development of this game (yeah, I did say "all joking apart") you'd think they actually followed some templates of the characters and it would have been picked up by "quality control" !!! (Ok, that last part was a joke... I mean "QC" ??? In this game !!)
  • Rey is a leftie and she's holding it as a leftie would so I don't think it's been reversed .. at least she hasn't been flipped.
    I think it's just sloppy artwork which is a sad indictment of the games development (bug releases, subsequent & regular fixes etc) ..