Forum Discussion

Cyclonick69's avatar
7 years ago

Sun Fac ship

not showing up since 2 weeks...
Did they reduce the rate that Sun Facs ship is appearing in GW or fleet shipments? Or did they mess up the code again after one of their latest server updates? Or do they obviously spend more time in machine learning algorithms than code quality to find out what I am after so they can screw me up and make me spend money? Or do I really just have bad luck...

I know its the latter...but seriously...2 weeks...I check shipments after each refresh - always a Tie in its spot...

Id farm it from the fleet table if its node had either reinforcement/purple/gold ship ability mats or would cost half the energy. 20 energy for that node is insane...
  • Yeah I've been farming geos for about 3 weeks and his ship hasn't been there once. Maybe they removed it cause it is farmable on ship table now.
  • I got it today in the fleet store and saw it in the GW store a couple of days ago. Definitely not removed.
    But yes...SF ship appearance rate in the stores is horrible. So I started farming it from the guild event store as well cause I figured it showed up there more reliably, at the cost of neglecting my Hermit Yoda farm though... Additionally bought it from shipments with crystals....otherwise I still would not have it at 7* yet.

    The 18 days in a row without a SF ship was never happening again, but 3 to 5 days seems to be the rule...

    I wish you good luck, SF ship is totally worth it...even without the other 2 geos.