peridea patrol assault battle WHATS THE POINT!!!
i recently gave enoch his leader zeta.
enoch and death are at g11,night is at g10 all at 5star.
starting the battle ezra one shots enoch almost every time.
tier 2 of this event is absolutely atrocious,the gas battle was easier than this.
why the hell does cg think this is alright?is it because they had plans to release packs with 1 of these characters at r1 for 50$+(MORE THAN LIKELY)
i really hope cg's greed kicks them
[Admin- Edit to remove inappropriate content]
i'm normally calm and collective,however when something needs to be called out well...
we have a great community of players from all around the world.But cg and disney are playing horseshoes with grenades and when they blow up the stake,there will be no coming back.
apologies everyone for the rant.
Just gotta invest more in your Peridia toons brother, it's doable and the event will always come back. I also don't have them at 7 stars yet either. And CG has been fixing issues slowly but surely bro. Meathead is just the messenger he doesn't deserve so much flak.