Forum Discussion

Ericsonx's avatar
7 years ago

T6 Thrawn-how?

First off, I'm not thrilled how you have to slog through 3 other fights first, whereas all other Legendaries were single fights. Trying to take out some of the underlings like Death Trooper first seems to be a waste of time, but Thrawn has a truckload of Protection and HP-so, help?
  • I beat 6* with all g8 Kanan, Hera Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra. They were all 6*.

    Kanan was lvl 80, protection mods, omega on unique
    Zeb was 74, protection mods, unique level 7
    Sabine was 72, used my crit chance mods from my Leia (+55 speed), unique level 6
    Ezra was 73, critical chance mods, unique level 5
    Hera was 78, mixed bad mods, Leadership omega

    Took over 100 tries over 3 days, but finally was able to dispel taunter and rightmost death trooper. Then killed death troopers, taunter, healer and had all 5 to take on Thrawn. Luckily, he fracted Kanan, so I used every assist call for Zeb which froze thrawn once. Only lost Kanan before Thrawn fell.

    You can do it, just keep trying out different combination of character position, tactics, and prayers!
  • To be fair, this is Thrawn we're talking about. His event has to be the most difficult one.
    I did it with G9 Hera, Sabine and G8 Zeb, Ezra and Kanan (Kanan got his zeta, but honestly it wasn't game changing).
  • Also, Chopper helps a lot in keeping your team alive. Now with the omega in his unique, he can be pretty much the difference. Lots of assists, buffs and CD reduction.
  • Is anyone else experiencing a glitch where heras backup plan doesn't revive characters?
  • "Ryanthos;c-1308659" wrote:
    Is anyone else experiencing a glitch where heras backup plan doesn't revive characters?

    If deathtroopers use terminate I think it overrides backup plan.
  • Thrawn is way Op’d and the event might actually be fair if you could use your entire Phoenix team
  • Took 2 attempts for 6* Thrawn. 81 Kanan Omega Gs 8, 81 Zeb Omega GS 8, 82 Hera Omega GS 8, Ezra 80 Omega GS8, 83 Sabine Omega GS 9. Sabine only 6* everyone else 7*.

    Screwed up on first attempt and went after DTs First instead of Stormtroopers. And was early on Kanan Taunt to take Thrawn’s hit. As long as you time Kanan or Zeb to absorb Thrawn whack a mole you should be good. Sabine does good damage and that dark saber strike is amazing in getting armor down so Ezra and Hera can whittle them down faster.
  • Well it's redundant. I dont have the money to get them up to high 70s-80, so, a 5 star Thrawn is what I'll have for the next 6 months. I still say these Legendaries should stick to the single fight. And I guess having everyone at 7 stars will help.
  • 7 star and properly modded. Strategy game.

    Now you know what you need, so focus on your Phoenix squad which will give you 2 Jedi for Yoda, 5 Rebels for Emperor, 5 Rebels for tenacity Mods challenge, 5 Rebels for health mod challenge, again 2 Jedi for Defense mod challenge, and a team that can steam roll GW and Cantina.
  • I have Yoda at 7, EP at 6. And getting them was way easier than trying to get thrawn in terms of the fight difficulty.