I unfortunately don't have all of the specific info outside of comparative guild gp's saved for our multiple mismatches (we've been anywhere from 75-82m gp in the last two months and paired with 90-110m gp guilds). I still feel and will continue to say this, the two best indicators after GP of how mismatched you are, are the average player GP and the average arena rank between the guilds. A low average arena rank indicates the guild knows how to mod properly and will be more efficient. Average player GP indicates the typical roster strength of the que'd players. Even a 500k difference between avg roster strength between guilds almost always ends up in the favor of the higher guild. A 500k gap per the average player is usually at least the equivalent of every player in the stronger guild being able to post one more strong squad than every player in the lower ranking guild. And thats at a bare minimum. Two 1m gp players don't equate to a 2m gp player in the slightest, they might even have a hard time 2v1 against the squads of a 1.5m gp player. I'm not sure how the current system works, but i think if you put in a final check to the system requiring (i'll just throw out a ball park number here) 200k minimum difference between average player gp, it would toss out a ton of the terrible matchups that are happening.