Forum Discussion

olddumper's avatar
7 years ago

The EP Vader Rework: A Sith Story

I would like to start this thread by giving a big shout out to CG. Great Job guys. For everybody out there complaining I am about to give you some prospective and a little history.

This current EP and Vader rework has been the best dark side addition to the game to date. Let's look at some of the best squad/toons in the history of this game and what you needed to do to acquire them.

RJT: farm all of the FOO to get BB-8, farm the vets, and drop tons of gear and zeta's to build a meta squad

Talzin: You had to pay for this toon and then gear all the nightsisters likely from scratch. That's a ton of work.

CLS: He was pretty easy to obtain but you still needed to put your gear and zeta's on him.

Thrawn: they made you farm 5 scrubs and then you needed to zeta and gear him from scratch

DN: you had to pay for this toon to get him right away.

DT/Krennic: citadel pack, enough said

ShT/Chaze: tournament refreshed

Rex P2P for a very long time

In general you can see a pattern CG just doesn't give your free meta toons, until now. What did you need to do to get Vader and Ep up and running? Slap 1 zeta on Ep lead and put some mats on zader unique? Most people have had these two toons for years at this point. They literally are on most peoples g12 row by sheer osmosis. People should be stunned that the devs just gifted us toons that level CLS and Nightsisters and contend with RJT for free.

Next let's look at the long term impact of these toons. Let's start with Ep. Remember how Rex was meta for like 2 years because his lead had way too much TM gain? Well now Ep has a lead with equally stupid TM gain, doubly stupid for empire allies. Whenever a new debuff heavy Empire or Sith the TM loop gets that much tighter. (They actually kind of boxed themselves in here, since new AOEs will need to contain a limited number of debuffs.) The Empire and Sith now have a clear leader. Palpatine.

Now let's look at Vader. I can do this one quick. Vader is roughly 300 to 350 speed now in any given match. 350 speed doesn't go out of style and his 1st two moves in unison grant TM under EP so his whole squad can move 1st.

Lastly let me help you all out. Here is the long and short of building this squad. EP lead with Thrawn and Vader are a must. Thrawn has fracture and stuns like crazy next to Vader. Wampa and IPD are the premier 4 and 5 but that's a big investment which may not work for FTP. ShT is probably the most F2P friendly tank and should be your 4. In your last spot you have some flexibility. Let's look some toons that fit and why they work.

DN: His unique lays tons debuffs for TM, he can dispel, increase cooldowns and he has an instant kill.

DT: AOE dispel, AOE debuff, deathmark, daze.

Tarkin: AOE with 10 debuffs that doesn't trigger any response. He can load up for big damage or reduce enemy TM. Holding them in shock and stun.

SA: Blasts out TM, can 1shot bb-8 and other squishy toons. Hides well.

Remember more toons are coming out so treat your 5th spot as a stop gap solution for now until we know more. Just grab whoever you have most complete.

After much deliberation and testing this was an amazing rework. Sure it won't let you camp out in 1st but that's and absurd standard to have for a zeta or two.