"Draw4wild;c-1277656" wrote:
"JaggedJ;c-1277593" wrote:
The problem is accessibility and quality.
As for accessibility. Compare DN, Krennic, Assassin, DT etc to phoenix, rogue 1 etc squads.
Which ones are the easier farm? Just about ever DS character is on a looooonnngg farm hard node.
This so much. Why are Krennic, Shore, and DT still 80crystals/shard when all of the R1 Rebels got dropped to 50?
Why are all recent DS characters added to tier 8 cantina battles when Hera and Ezra got placed into tier 1 and 2?
The one slow light side character was Baze and now he's in TB shop making him cake if you decide to go that route.
I don't disagree that something closer to a similar number of toons would be good. With that said....
DN has been meta since he came out, he's just finally getting edged out. Krennic was part of the first p3 solo team. SA was a meta toon and is still viable in raids. DT is one of the best DS toons in arena; if I ran DS, I'd run DT.
Phoenix is a Thrawn unlock and a single mission in TB....their raid abilities and viability in arena are pretty sketchy as a team. Ezra is good, and perhaps a later node would be good for him, but it seems unlikely the devs would know ahead of time he'd be the only toon even close to the meta. Other than Ezra I find your arguments kinda lacking a real unbiased look at the actual viability across many parts of the game of these characters.
Edit: Forgot Shore. Best Dark Side tank, hands down, and also a beast in raids...