Forum Discussion

StarbirdInferno's avatar
5 years ago

The Ravager fan kit

Finished kit can be found here:
  • Veritlyn's avatar
    New Spectator
    Yes to both. Darth Nihilus is my favorite Star Wars character in general, so I'd definitely love his ship. And my maxed out Sith Fleet needs a capital ship to lead them into battle.
  • @Ichiraikou I have sent you DMs, and I have made some small changes which I will list to you in the DM.
  • This awesome I have been thinking they needed it since they put Nihilus in. I even said it a post I made not to long ago.
  • "StarbirdInferno2;c-2167804" wrote:
    @Kyno Would you mind if you could close this forum post please? I updated this in a different section.

  • I want to like these, I really do. But I can't. The reason why comes down to the difference between synergy and dependence. The capital ship is far too Sith focused. Literally. Both his specials do nothing if there are no Sith allies. There is no capital ship (or any other ship or character for that matter) that is that dependent on his allies. Capital ships are far too important in ship combat to be that limited in use. (leadership is acceptable thou, as both the raddus and the finalizer also have leaderships completely focused on one faction. But why isn't there a reinforcement bonus?)
    The ship is slightly dependent. His special calls all summoned sith fighter allies to assist. But he can't summon those allies himself. A kit should work by itself, but here is a part that just doesn't work under any other capital ship. Again, difference between synergy and dependence right here. Also, the ship has no hardware ability, despite that being a requirement for all ships. Also it's not clear which ability is Crew related. One of the abilities will have to go and be replaced by a hardware ability and one should be attached to the crew.
    Now that the biggest problems are out of the way, here are a few more things that bother me:
    The ship is supposed to be Nihillus. And you said you tried to include parts of his kit in it. The sith triumvirate (and Sith EMpire, for that matter) are very anti buff and anti assist. Yet his capital ship is very buff heavy and calls assist in his basic (like so may other capital ships). Are you sure we play the same game? Cause I just can't believe that. Seriously, among the ship meta right now assists and buffs are super heavy (Galactic Republic, Separatist, Rebels. Even Resistance and First Order, if not as heavy) and I was hoping that sith wouldn't be.
    The unique buff reduces enemy health and increases ally health. But the ultimate does so as well. Feels really double up If I'm being honest. No to mention the buff weakens the effect of the ultimate. Considering sith fighter ignores protection, I like the idea. But he also gains bonuses against enemies below 100% or 50% health, so that could backfire easily since reducing max health means enemies can easily be brought back up to above 50% or 100% health.
    Healing Immunity on the lead really bothers me. Sith Fighter inflicts it on his basic already and it's literally all his basic does. I feel like a different debuff would be better, or maybe some anti dispel as there are quite a few of those.
    Sith Fighter already has an unique called "Swarm Tactics", and B-28 Extinction Class bomber is the only tank and can already gain Taunt and Defence up (pretty often too). I already thought he shouldn't be buff heavy but this is a cherry on top of that. Like the evasion tho since he has evade synergy in his unique. But considering Galactic Republic gains Accuracy from the capital, and Sih Fighter has Foresight in his kit. Maybe that needs to be done differently. Not sure how yet thou.
    None o f the ships in the game have Sith Empire synergy. Since all Sith Empire are also sith, they all have sith synergy. Look it up (on for example). Even the sith empire don't mention that faction, only sith. So Sith Empire is redundant.
    I think these kits have potential. But need more work right now. Hope this feedback helped with that a bit. Looking forward to the next version.
  • @Kyno Would you mind if you could close this forum post please? I updated this in a different section.