Forum Discussion

Shadowscream77's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Thermal Detonators...

Can I ask a stupid question —> why are TD teams useful in Phase 1 (talking tier 5/6)?
Several videos on YouTube, what mechanic advantage does it have?

Would my BH TD Team —> Boba(l), Greedo, Zam, Dengar and Cad work? (Tier 4/5)
  • Thermal Detonators do excellent damage in STR because they are % health based damage. Now %health based damage is greatly reduced against raid bosses, but this raid has so much health for each boss that %health based damage still does oodles of damage. It's the same reason deathtrooper's death mark is worth so much as well.

    Your BH TD team would likely do well as long as you have stacked massive potency on them.

    Relying on a resistible debuff for damage can be tricky here because of the stacking tenacity everyone gets in this raid. That's why "The Big JC" doesn't use attacks, it just lays down debuffs.
  • Your bounty hunters probably have too many attacks. Each time the raid boss is hit he increases tenacity and speed until he takes another turn.
  • "YKMisfit;c-1635253" wrote:
    The Big JC?

    Look it up on youtube. JE, JC and 3 assist callers or similar.