Forum Discussion

random_00021's avatar
8 years ago

TIE Reaper Progression Pack issue update

EA is looking into this, but needs ally codes of those affected. If you bought less than the max number of TIE Reaper Progression Packs and it’s now disappeared from your store, please post your ally codes here:

  • Thanks for posting this! I didn't get notified on replies and missed that in the other post.
  • Warning

    EA Answers has resolved the thread, stating that step 2 and 3 were intended to have a 24 hour max timer on them. This was never mentioned in the release notes by @CG_Kozispoon.

    If you want to buy anything past the first step in this pack, have all your crystals ready to go or you're going to be out of luck after 24 hours.
  • This is frustrating and disappointing as the labeling on the pack and communications/announcements describing the pack never stated that there was a different time limit for subsequent purchases. The UI of the game is such that you could purchase the first packs and not see the different timer for the other packs. This leads to a very real possibly of a conplete lack of notice.

    This should still be considered an open bug/ticket until the labeling is corrected.

    It would be a nice show of good faith to reset the timers for these packs for everyone then give notice that they will be available for puchase again with a 24 hour window.
  • Honestly, I thought it was basically understood as a bug when Kozi redirected us to EA Answers, and the EA Answers staffer asked for our ally codes. I was shocked to see the outcome given there is literally no in game indicators that this is the case ahead of pack purchase, nor was it mentioned in the original blog post announcement. I hope they can reverse course on this. I don't want other packs with the crystals I bought, i specifically want DT, Shore, and Reaper. It's a bummer that I'm being punished as an early adopter who only bought the first step of the pack.
  • Hi @CG_Kozispoon @CG_RyDiggs I understand from EA_Mindtricks that the TIE Reaper Progression Packs are WAI, which is fine, but there was no notice in announcements or in the text of the pack itself that indicated different timers for the different steps.

    This seems to have affected most everyone who was interested in buying multiple packs. Would CG be willing to resets the timers so that those interested in purchasing the rest of the packs can do so now the community has notice of the 24 hour timer once you’ve purchased the first pack?