Forum Discussion

Player_3k700krq's avatar
7 years ago

Tier 3 Artist of War Mythic Event!

I have a question: should i be worried when my G12 all Zeta Thrawn, EP, Vader, Veers and DT squad gets absolutely destroyed by Hera and company? And where's the fun in that?
  • Finally success! Managed to gather all 3 gold items from gear lvl.12 on the Emperor which was enough to beat Hera and company.
  • The difficulty of the event compared to the rewards offered make it very much not worth the time. (This is toward you CG)

    I've got zPalp, zVader, zThrawn all g12.5 - my DT and Shore at g10/g11. I still lose 2-3 toons before i get a turn. I'm not one to give up easily, but having attempted at least 50 times hoping for the right rng it's given me another reason to hate any Thrawn related events.

    I'll be working on my Empire toons no matter what and may try the event again once i have g12.5 shore and DT, but until then - just gonna bypass it. Not worth the time hoping for rng. The Sith raid is where I'll devote that time for now.
  • If they were giving out 3 zetas for a victory i may have dropped some more effort into it
  • "dimi4a;d-166399" wrote:
    I have a question: should i be worried when my G12 all Zeta Thrawn, EP, Vader, Veers and DT squad gets absolutely destroyed by Hera and company? And where's the fun in that?

    You should worry more, if you expect a mythic event to be easy, since that's unrealistic expectations.
  • "The_Original_HT;c-1640028" wrote:
    If they were giving out 3 zetas for a victory i may have dropped some more effort into it

    I got g12 pieces, credits and mods without ever upgrading anyone for this event. I needed shore geared for troopers. I needed palp and vader geared gor empire, thrawn for... well everything. Tarkin for ships. So free gear without trying seems worth it to me.
  • I’ve got G11.5, 2 at G12
    zEP, zThrawn, TFP, Tarkin and Vader
    I can’t get close. I can kill 1 or 2
    I don’t have Shoretrooper and I’ve not Geared up Stormtrooper yet.

    Is it possible if I move all my Arena speed mods across? I’d go from +70/75 speed to about +100
    If +100 is still unlikely to get it done I’d rather save the credits ;)
  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    While we're talking about it, there seems to be a bug in the Phoenix Squad for this tier. In their initial 15 move assault, they tend to ignore taunt. That's happened to me more than once. I'm sure it's just a glitch though since the AI always follows the same rules we do......

    I can 1-star it, but it takes a lot of retreats because RNG hates me since I consistently talk about how bad the AI cheats. I use Thrawn, EP, Vader, Royal Guard, and Tarkin. My RG and Tarkin are only gear 9/10.
  • "Whatelse73;c-1640690" wrote:
    While we're talking about it, there seems to be a bug in the Phoenix Squad for this tier. In their initial 15 move assault, they tend to ignore taunt. That's happened to me more than once. I'm sure it's just a glitch though since the AI always follows the same rules we do......

    Not a glitch. They can ignore taunt, it was programmed this way to make it a "challenge"
  • "Whatelse73;c-1640690" wrote:
    While we're talking about it, there seems to be a bug in the Phoenix Squad for this tier. In their initial 15 move assault, they tend to ignore taunt. That's happened to me more than once. I'm sure it's just a glitch though since the AI always follows the same rules we do......

    It's not a bug or glitch, it's WAI. All characters start with an invisible taunt that expires upon taking damage. It's designed to spread the initial assault to reduce the chance of you losing a character or two due to Phoenix focusing all fire on them.
  • There's no point in it outside of completion the first time.

    After that you get trash rewards.