Forum Discussion

26Fm65's avatar
9 years ago

Top 25 Arena PVP

Here is 25 top players in my server. (Play Since Dec 1) Let me tell you what most people use. I usually list the leader first, then Tank, Squishy, Healer, Support. For a team like "Sid, Poe, IG-88,Lum , Poggle" Sid = leader, IG-88 = squishy, Lum = healer, Poggle = support. Ideally you want to attack squishy heroes first, then support, then healer/leader. It really depend if QGJ is a leader because he is consider squishy depend who he team up with.

Majority people use..
Leader = Sid
Tank = Poe
Squishy = IG-88, GS, Poggle
Healer = Lum
Support = Daka, Dooku, Rey, Kylo

  • Phasma POE Poggle Lum Luke
  • Sid POE IG-88 Dooku Dooku Poggle
  • Phasama POE Rey Dooku Lum
  • Sid POE IG-88 Lum IG-86
  • QGJ POE Yoda Poggle BEN
  • Sid Poggle Lum Dooku Phasma
  • QGJ Poe Yoda Red Guard Rey
  • QGJ Maul Aayla Lum Yoda
  • QGJ Ben GS Rey Yoda
  • Sid Lum GS Kylo Poggle
  • Sid Dooku GS Lum Phasma
  • Sid Poe GS Lum Daka
  • Sid Poe IG-88 Poggle Kylo
  • Sid IG-88 Poe Lum Dooku
  • Sid POE Kylo Rey Dooku
  • Sid POE IG-88 IG-86 Dook
  • Sid Poe Kylo Dooku GS
  • Sid Poe Poggle Lum Kylo
  • Phasma Five Daka Lum Daka
  • QGJ Poe & Ben Yoda Daka
  • Sid Red Guard IG-88 GS QGJ
  • Sid Poe Poggle Dooku Kylo
  • Sid Poe IG-88 Kylo Poggle
  • Sid Poe IG-88 Dooku Poggle
  • Sid Poe IG-88 Lum Poggle

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