Don't waste your time arguing with people who just want to argue about anything. This forum is nothing but an ego boost to them. That’s why they are always so quick to point out how they, “ never spend any money” or “ not a whale”. If you point out a feeling you have, or an experience you e come across that doesn’t fit into something that makes them feel better about themselves them , “ you need to get better. “
All they want is something they can brag about and make themselves feel good. Most people know that dropping a couple hundred bucks here and there doesn’t make you better at this game. It does , maybe, make you have extra money to blow. Personally, I’d rather just say, “ yeah, I’ve got tons of extra cash and I blow it on this game. What’s the problem?”
But very rarely do you come across many who will come rightist and say that they’re a whale, or spend tons. But those aren’t the ones looking for an argument, because they don’t need the ego boost. Don’t waste your time with the
If you do want to, though, just go to your nearest wall and argue with it. It’s a very similar experience