Forum Discussion

jpfit262's avatar
New Novice
5 years ago

Upcoming update

There was a notification for an upcoming update .... will we get any info on this one or will we just be pretending it didn’t exist like the last one you snuck in?

15 Replies

  • Well maybe the new login calender.. they early announcing it.. early implementation and goodbye 5 zetas and we start june already..
  • tward930's avatar
    New Spectator
    5 years ago
    Not really a surprise announcement. They said there was going to be an update yesterday in the stay and play event announcement. Not sure why the in game message caught you by surprise.
  • The big question is why there is this big gap between the last TW that starts on 5/29 and then the next that starts on 6/7 with the first TB not starting until 6/15.
  • Iy4oy4s's avatar
    Rising Novice
    5 years ago
    Still no undying loyalty bug fix...guess it’s got to be a year old before it gets looked at. I encounter this bug everyday...all the ones they “fixed” not even once.