Forum Discussion

shrimpster2's avatar
6 years ago

Using Jango during Chewie Event

I was wondering the effectiveness of Jango during this event. I am planning on running Bossk (L), Boba, Dengar, Jango, and Cad. I also have greedo and IG-88. Is this a good team? or should I replace any? They are all similar gear and I am shooting for gear 10-11 for the event.
  • I did it with ZBossk (L) g12, Zboba G12, Greedo G11, Zam G10, Dengar G11. I would also suggest getting all of their speed up above 215 if possible. Greedo and Dengar were the only one's I had below 200 speed. Completed the attempt in there tries. Here is my BH roster. I haven't touched the mods since the event.
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I think you could probably do it with Jango but you would need Bossk to lead the team probably, and Dengar for health and protection regen. But I wouldn’t use his aoe since the rebels will most likely counterattack
  • Good team, I'd shoot for higher gear. g11 minimum exception cad and/or dengar. g12 Bossk and fett of choice (Boba's better for this event and ships, jango might be better overall).