Forum Discussion

lillakey9's avatar
8 years ago

Veteran smuggler bundle double rewards?

Hi when I logged in yesterday it said double rewards from certain bundles. Is that happening or just a mistake?

13 Replies

  • Yup that's where they buried the original so no one else would get upset about it.
  • they also say couple of other games, i dont think it really means we get all of them here
  • Still confused over the advertising of the Col Whathisbucket, probe Droid, and freezingtundraHan packs. They claim if you buy the pack you can get level 40, etc etc etc. Yet they are 40 shards shy of granting the character. So if some poor sod buys the pack without clicking the portrait.....

    And no I did not buy them. Nor did I fall for the Tie data pack tier garbage either.